Released in 1995, La Haine (Hate) made waves upon its release in its dealing with police brutality, racism, discrimination and social inequality.
A film about ‘the downfall of society’, La Haine held up a mirror to the social ills of modern France, through its setting in one of the Banlieues, low-income housing projects on the outskirts of Paris.
Shooting in black & white, director Mathieu Kassovitz uses stark visual imagery. Often contrasting the size of the three main characters within their surroundings, he displays their feelings of existential insignificance, and being forgotten by society.
Our re-release contains re-prints of SS18’s best-selling tees, as well as a complete reimagining of our hoodie, with original illustrations by Izzie Hill.
Izzie’s use of line and movement captures the film’s raw energy, alongside core messages from the film.

Le Monde est à Nous.